Pet Society // Auto Jump

Firstly, click here to Play Pet Society

You will only get a few coins, but leaving it overnight (assuming you don't get dc) should rake in a substantial amount the next day.

  • flash 9 (flash 10 can't get the 2nd value)
  • ce 5.5
  • firefox
  1. Go into Pet Society
  2. Play with the rope until you got a coin (usually 6 jumps)
  3. Open Cheat Engine, select firefox
  4. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  5. Scan "408B0000011D840F"
  6. 1 address found, copy out the address and paste it in the generator below.
  7. New Scan "4589C47589544F8B"
  8. 1 address found, copy out the address and paste it in the generator below.
  9. Click generate and copy out ALL the codes
  10. In cheat engine, click Ctrl-A (tools>auto assemble) and paste all the generated code inside.
  11. Click execute
  12. Play with rope, it will auto skip and you'll earn some easy coins.

Credits: PSN and Justin

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Farmville // Money Loophole

Firstly, click here to Play Farmville

Credits: PaperJam

Follow the steps on the images. Click for bigger view

I have tested it and refreshed my game and
the money saves. Be warned though, if the game refreshed, the item disappears so only stop when you are done.

Try on a cheap item first! Once you are confident, do it on the most expensive item you can afford.

Most expensive building is the VILLA.
Note: if you screw it up, you will lose both the money you paid to buy the building and the building itself. So make sure you test on a cheap item first! I have managed to get 1 million from just 400k.
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zynga poker bot

are you have hear cheat poker bot??
or you are have it.

zynga cash chip poker hacking bot

Poker Bot has been built and tested using the following components:

* operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista
* color depth: 32bit
* web browser: Mozilla FireFox / Internet Explorer / Google Chrome / Custom Console
* zynga poker app: FaceBook Poker / MySpace Poker

To Start The Bot in a Browser

Using this method you start poker as you normally would if you were playing, then load the bot and it will take over your play.

* login to facebook or myspace using your browser
* navigate to the zynga poker page
* set browser_* options in settings.ini to your prefered browser
* run bot.exe

To Start The Bot in a Console

If you have a small resolution or you just don't like the clutter of the browser then you can run in a Custom Console.

* login to facebook using Internet Explorer, make sure to tick the "remember me" checkbox
* set browser_* options in settings.ini to the console option
* run bot.exe

First Time Training

When you run your bot it will check to see if a file called data/seat/done.txt exists. If it does not exist then the Seat Trainer will start.

The Seat Trainer will ask you to join an empty table, if you join an empty table and nothing happens please see this post.

Once the bot detects a table you may see a popup asking you to enter the big blind. If the image says 10k/20k you need to enter 20000. This number will be saved into a file in data/blind/[checksum].txt where checksum is the PixelChecksum of the pixels of the blinds image. You can find more information about how it saves the blinds in this post.

Now the Seat Trainer will start recording and sitting you into each seat from 1 to 9. If somebody else joins the room you can pause the bot until they leave. If they do not leave you can join another room with the same blind and then unpause.

When the Seat Trainer is complete it will create a file data/seat/done.txt and the bot will start running.

Hot Keys

* CTRL+ALT+X - Exit
* CTRL+ALT+P - Pause

download files
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Farmville // Extreme Manager

Firstly, click here to Play Farmville

You'll need:
  • farmville extreme manager: [download][mirror]

    Malware scan status (CLEAN):

    Farming Extreme Manager.exe
    Scan finished. 0 out of 21 scanners reported malware.
    Scan taken on:
    Wed 18 Nov 2009 05:54:47 (CET) Permalink

  • firefox
  1. Go into Farmville
  2. Open extreme manager.
  3. Click Add/Edit Planting areas and follow on-screen instructions (the fullscreen button is on the bottom right of farmville)
  4. I have not really tested other features, will do a full video on it tonight. Meanwhile, here are some user's videos with the manager's features. Watch them to understand how the program works.

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PayPay Wishlist

Hey guys, this is definitely not a scam. I have already got my $100. Will be able to cash it out latest by Feb 2010. PAYPAL SINGAPORE is in charge of this event.
People are getting money in their paypal and so i have decided to start this post where all of you guys can post your own links so that we can all help each other and get the $100. Paste your own paypal links in the comments section.

This is only eligible to people residing in
India, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia or Singapore. Comment your links now and help every1 get an easy $100 from paypal. Definitely not a scam.

How Prizes will be Awarded

You will be notified by PayPal no later than February 28th, 2010, via email or any other method as PayPal may from time to time determine, of how much you have earned.

Steps on how to do this:

I will compile a list and paste all the links here. give me a moment.


Guys, if i missed out any1 else.. i'm sorry. This is a pretty lengthy list. Hope those that were slow and at the bottom of the list still managed to earn the $$.
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Pet Society // Find Hiddeni easily by Patiniox

Click here to play Pet Society

You will need:

* ce 5.5
* browser


1. Go into Pet Society
2. Select browser in ce5.5, tick hex, change value to 'array of bytes', tick also scan read-only memory
3. Scan "8B 89 54 05 00 00 89 5D D8 8D 55 D8 8B D8 52 6A"
4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
5. Scroll up and find the line "je XXXXXX"
6. Right click and select 'replace with code that does nothing'
7. Now go to any shops in Pet Society and you will see Hiddeni.
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clue cheat rf elven

intinya carilah program yang bisa buat scan......
tp yg blum kedeteksi ama FIREGUARD.....

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Hack Password Orang

Ada hal yang kamu perlukan ^^

Download The Keylogger : ► Klick Here ◄ alt : ► Here ◄
Udah di DL ya di Instal
Nanti ada bacaan tekan "ctrl + alt + shift"
Udah kan ? tutup tuh Keylogger..
Coba deh kamu login ID Game, FB, FS, Email.. DLL yang memerlukan password
Abis itu kamu logout lagi..
Trus cek pake tombol "alt + ctrl + shift + R"
Pilih Key
Ntar ada listnya and tra.. slamad mencoba ea..

Cara Jahad >.< :
- Bawa tmen maen kerumah
- Suruh dia maen game yg pake id
- Klo dia udah OL Langsung Suruh dia pulang (USIR MODE : ON)
- Tekan ctrl + alt + shift + r
- Lalu pilih key
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Black Skin / Theme for RF Online

Ni Skin q dapet dari temen q.. nmanya Sinu ^^

Lihat Previewnya ya..

Mau skin RF kamu jadi kaya gitu ?
Klik gambar disampink ►►

Kamu tinggal download Filenya disini

Trus Extract File nya ke :
~ untuk bahasa indo : [ PS Indo,RF Indo ]
Folder RFmu>SpriteImage>En-ID
~ untuk bahasa inggris : [ PS Eropa Etc ]
Folder RFmu>SpriteImage>En-GB
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Facebook // Texas HoldEm Poker

2-3times instead of only once.

Just right click the image below and click Open in new tab 2-3times quickly! You only get 1 chance each day.

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Ninja Saga // Money cheat

You'll need:
  • any browser
  • ce 5.5
  1. Go into Ninja Saga. (link above)
  2. Go to Shop.
  3. Select the item to sell. (do NOT sell it yet)
  4. Select browser as ce5.5 process and enable speedhack.
  5. Select '0' as speedhack value.
  6. Now in Ninja Saga, spam clicks on "Sell" as many times as you want.
  7. Change the value in ce5.5 back to '1'
  8. Now watch as you gain all the coins. This CAN BE SAVED! Just make sure to purchase some items to auto save the game.
Credits: arsheir

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Ninja Saga // LEVEL cheat

Firstly, click here to Play Ninja Saga

Reach ANY LEVEL easily. You will gain hundreds of skill points with this method!

  • ce 5.5
  • browser (firefox/flock)
  1. Go into Ninja Saga. (link above)
  2. Select browser as process in ce5.5 (hex, 8bytes, asrom)
  3. At the "Select Character" screen, scan "3B0008C25B5E0689"
  4. 2 addresses found. Right click the BOTTOM address and "Toggle breakpoint"
  5. Now in Ninja Saga, select your character and click "Play"
  6. It will freeze due to the breakpoint you've set.
  7. Click "Debug > Run (shortcut: f9)
  8. Click "Debug > Run again.
  9. At the Registries panel, you will see a red line "EAX xxxxxx"
  10. Left click on it and it will ask you to insert the new address, so you paste "11A6C" into it
  11. Now right click the address and click "Toggle breakpoint" again to remove the breakpoint.
  12. Click "Debug > Run
  13. Now go back to your Ninja Saga. It wil l reload and you will be level 19!

    Have fun with the new missions! Great cheat by TUX.
    All level 338 please change back to lvl 19 to be able to fight.
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Unlimited HP Point Blank

Langkah Pertama :

Kalian harus download Hidetools dan CE ( Cheat Engine ) untuk bypass Point Blank, dibawah post ada link downloadnya.
kalau udah download hide tools ikutin langkah-langkah penggunaan hide tools bagi yang belum bisa:
double klik Hidetools.exe dimana kamu extrak, misal di folder C:\Hide Tools\ maka akan keluar kotak, setelah itu buka CE nya lalu balik ke hide tools dan klik kanan pada program CEnya, klik hide deh.

Langkah Kedua :

Login Point Blank kamu. dan jadilah server, maksud dari "jadilah server" adalah kalian harus membuat room sendiri yang diketuai oleh kalian sendiri, jangan ikut room laen. setelah itu play sampe di mapnya. kalau boleh kasih saran sih mendhing maen dlu sama AI mode alias latihan, lebih mudah untuk scan address. nah pas di map kalian harus Target Point Blanknya dengan CE.
Caranya :

klik gambar komputer di pojok engine, lalu klik ok pada PointBlank.exe

Langkah Ketiga :
Setelah Target ke Point Blank lihat HP kamu jika 100 scan 100 dan jika 90 scan 90 tapi sebelum scan, ganti type 4 byte ke dalam Float.

sewaktu scan cobalah untuk tidak terkena tembakan 1 kali pun, agar proses scan berhasil. nah disini kita kesulitan untuk scan, maka itu dibutuhkan room A.I Mode. soalnya lawan NPC Easy ga bakal kita ketembak dengan mudah.

Langkah Keempat :
Setelah mendapatkan address dari hasil scan tadi cobalah mengurangi darah kalian, misal ditembak/terkena bom tapi ingat jangan sampai mati ya. setelah itu scan sisa darah kalian, yang gw screen shot sih darahnya tinggal 63, maka gw scan 63 klik next scan.

Langkah Kelima :
Langkah terakhir, setelah scan ke2 kalinya kalian akan mendapatkan minimal 3 address. double klik ke 3 address tersebut . Setelah itu freeze/check/centang address tersebut, lihatlah di bawah tulisan forzen kotaknya kecentang kan?. terus klik kanan address tersebut change record-> value. ganti aja 2000 klo kelebihan error ntar.

cara di atas sangat tidak dianjurkan. karena ketauan GM lebih besar. mendhing ke 3 address tadi di set hotkey caranya, klik kanan address terus pilih set a hotkey kotak putih pertama isi dengan F5 kotak putih ke dua biarin aja "set value_to" kotak ke tiga isi dengan 2000, nah tiap lo respawn coba lo pencet F5 pasti darah lo 2000.

Download HideToolz

Download Cheat Engine

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Internet TV 7.12 - Free Internet TV Channels

Dengan Internet TV 7.12 kita dapat menonton secara langsung lebih dari 5000 siaran di seluruh dunia pada komputer kita. Dengan software ini kita bisa mendapatkan channel siaran televisi dari 112 negara di seluruh dunia, dan yang terpenting, softwares ini tidak boleh dimiliki oleh anak-anak yang mesih dibawah umur, karena terdapat lebih dari 30 buah siaran khusus orang dewasa.

Siaran yang dapat kita tonton dari softwares ini bisa dibilang complete; TV Berita, TV Olahraga, TV Pendidikan, Siaran Dewasa, Music TV, Cartoons TV, Movies TV, Games TV, Funny TV, Entertainment TV, TV Selebriti, Lifestyle TV, Fashion TV, Travel TV, Poker TV, Adult TV, Free TV.

Karena sangat banyak siaran yang bisa kita tonton, dengan program ini kita dapat menyaring berdasarkan rating saluran, genre, negara, kecepatan bit atau konten. Membuat daftar favorit untuk akses cepat ke saluran TV favorit Anda. Menampilkan dalam mode default biasa atau dalam mode layar penuh. Tidak ada tambahan peralatan yang diperlukan. Update database siaran dapat dilakukan secara otomatis di software ini.

Yang pasti semuanya gratis, tanpa perlu berlangganan, membayar iuran, ataupun biaya langganan perbulan. Dan juga praktis, kita tidak perlu membeli televisi, antena, tv tunner, ataupun antene parabola.

Untuk dapat menggunakan softwares ini yang pastinya kita harus memiliki koneksi yang bagus dan kencang. Apalagi banyak siaran-siaran yang terdat disini kualitas gambar, video, audio dan siarannya sangat bagus, bersih, dan jernih.

Jika anda tertarik dan ingin mencoba Software Internet TV 7.12, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini :

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Deep Freeze Hack

Pengen Nyimpen Cit..? Tapi ada program deep freeze...? g usah repot nih ada solusinya

ini adalah deep freeze hack mulai dari versi 4 sampai versi 6

tertarik..? silahkan download disini

tinggal liat deep freeeze versi berapa dengan melihat di sudut kiri bawah dan tekan shift sambil klik deep freeze nya

truz nyalain neh freeze hacknya

pilih versinya
yang saya tahu versi paling sering digunakan adalah versi ke 6..
dan apply

enjoy hacking
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O2 jam offline

dulu ada yang pernah maen o2jam?
masi inget ama o2jam?

nah, gw punya emulator offlinenya, namanya O2Mania

kalo mau download emulatornya (cuma 8 megabyte), disini

download lagu2nya disini

cara2 nginstall:

1. Ekstrak semua isi RAR itu ke folder apa aja. Di dalem RAR itu uda ada foldernya, jadi misalnya ekstrak aja ke C:/Program Files

2. Bikin folder didalam folder hasil ekstrakan (O2Mania English 1.0.1) namanya "Music", dan extract lagu2 yg agan2 uda download tadi ke situ. biasanya isinya file dgn ekstensi OJM dan OJN.

3. Buka O2Mania English.exe

4. Trus loading, pencet Start

5. O2Mania dah kebuka, pencet File -> Configure Folders

6. Di bagian O2Jam Tunes, pilih folder Music yang tadi agan2 buat (misal: C:/Program Files/O2Jam English 1.0.1/Music)

7. Terus klik "OK"

8. Pencet F8. Maka akan muncul daftar lagu yang agan2 sekalian udah install. Kalo belom, pencet "Refresh" dibawah "Configure Folders". Pilih lagu dan levelnya (easy / medium / hard). Angka disebelah difficulty menunjukkan level. 1 ya gampang banget, 20an ya susah banget.

9. Pencet "OK"

10. Pencet F6 untuk memulai lagunya. Untuk mengatur kecepatan pencet F1 (buat nurunin) ato F2 (buat naikin) seperti di O2Jam asli, x1, x2, x3, dll.

11. Tombol standard adalah S - D - F - SpaceBar - J - K - L. Untuk mengatur tombol2nya pencet Settings -> Keyboard Keys. Atur dah tuh.

12. Selamat bermain... Lain kali kalo mau main lagi, tinggal ulangi step:

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Hack Perfect : Ice Modz 6067 RC2

Versi Terbaru ice modz telah datang dengan RC2, Perbaikan yang pertama. Dan hack perfect yang satu ini bisa digunakan on-off

Untuk Server audition selain vietnam

1. Setelah download copy semua file ke direktori ayodance kalian.

2. Centang yang ingin di gunakan: Hack Delele (tidak bisa digunakan), Hack Perfect, Simple Perfect, Winmode (VN) dan hilangkan centang pada "Login Direct"

3. Pilih server untuk membuka patcher.

4. Ayo login dan mainkan!!!

Yang bisa digunakan. Press F10 -> ON, F11 -> OFF, F21 -> FreeStyle arrows

Download Ice Modz RC 2 Disini
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Update!! Nice Dancer 2.0

Setelah Lama Ditunggu" akhirnya Nice Dancer Sudah Release Dengan Tampilan Yang Baru Juga
Screen Shot Bisa Dilihat Dibawah ini

Bisa Kita Lihat Diatas Banyak Opsi" Yang Sudah Berbeda, diantaranya :

1. Cari File folder Ayodance kamu klik "cai dat."

2. Account Nice Dancer nya yaitu :
dancer001 sampai dancer050
Mem001 sampai mem040
pass 111

F12: Meng-off khan semua cit
F11: Remove frozen temporarily
F10: Remove frozen
F9: Close by
F8: XCore ( Untuk BeatUp)
F7: XCombo (only when the combo's x1 or more)
Alt: Auto Key (Auto Arrow)
Z: Auto Key Temporary (Hanya Bisa Digunakan Apabila Sudah Memencet Tombol Freestyle Pertama)

Ketagihan...? Bisa Download Di bawah ini

Mirror 1
Mirror 2
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Mau Maen Beat Up...? Malas Online..? nah ini ada solusinya...
kalo kamu malas maen Online Mending maen Beat Up
Secara Offline
jadi kamu latihan sendiri maend Beat Up..

Screen Shot Bisa Dilihat dibawah ini..

Mau..? Silahkan download BU Offline nya disini
Cara Penggunaan :

1. extract filenya
2. klik "\BeatUpMania\Program\StepMania.exe"
3. Start Game -> Beat Up - Hard
4. pilih lagu, pencet Enter 2x
5. Hi Speed Pilih 1.5x
6. pilih Effect (chance mode) Bagi Yang Udah Terbiasa
7. Jalanin Gamenya
8. pencet f8 bwt on/off auto play (Auto Arrow Istilahnya)

Kurang Puas Dengan Lagunya Bisa Kalian Download Dibawah ini :

1. BeatUpMania-songpack > Disini
2. Death_Moon > Disini
3. Doi_Mat__Remix > Disini
4. Fire_Fire > Disini
5. Destiny > Disini
6. Hands Up!!! > Disini
7. Queen of dancing > Disini
8. Airplane > Disini
9. Alex_F___remix > Disini
10. Kara-Wanna > Disini
11. 2NE1--Fire > Disini
12. 4Minute-Hot_Issue > Disini
13. Moonlight_Shadow_Dance_Remix > Disini

Cara masukin lagu Yang Udah Di Download

1. ganti .smzip jd .rar
2. extract ke \BeatUpMania\Songs

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